Monday, October 27, 2008

It's good to hear from you!

It's good to hear from you.

Aunt Dean let me know that her family is looking at the blog and she's shown Earl. She and Uncle Billy have been back and forth from home to home. They were in the Magnolia area last week so Garry could come for muzzle loading season. There will be more deer hunting in November.

When Joe and I first got married the Ainsworth children were so young. These are some of the pictures I have:

Aunt Judy shared this great picture of Lauren and Taylor. They are such pretty girls.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekends Are Fun

Last weekend was fun with Jennifer, Emily, Heather, and Stephen. If you look at Jennifer's blog you will see lots of pictures of the fun we had. I came home with a stomach virus and a cold virus.
It was good to see Heather and Stephen doing well, Jennifer being a wonderful mother and Emily being the sweetest, cutest, smartest little girl.

Joe and I got away from the farm yesterday. The weather wasn't going to get too hot or too cold and the worker was here to pick up eggs. We went to Texarkana. The main point of the trip was to put the 4-wheeler in the shop. It has not been running for several months but since we had the Kawasaki Mule we could do without it. We knew when Tyler comes in 4 weeks he'll want to ride.

After dropping the 4-wheeler off, we went to Texas Roadhouse and had our favorite filet. Our next stop was Palm Harbor Homes. It's always fun to walk back through a triple-wide and note the size and features.

Our salesperson wanted to know where we were from. When we told him Magnolia he told us his grandfather had lived in Magnolia. He asked if we knew where Story's Well Service was and said there was a little white house beside it. And I said, "Yes, and Mr. Arthur Ash lived there." He said that was his grandfather. When I worked at the church Mr. Arthur would take the whole staff out to eat at Western Sizzlin every month or two.

Chris Chidlress grew up in Houston and then moved to Dallas a few years ago and then got a chance to leave the big city and manage the Palm Harbor in Texarkana. It was quite amazing that we would meet and have that connection.
It was a beautiful day and fun to be away from the farm for a short while.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Date Night

Joe and I just got back from date night. We have it every week and every week it is the same. We go out to eat at one of two places (we've tried the other 5 places)and Wal Mart. That is living in small town Magnolia. But it's also having a poultry farm - 7 days a week and can't leave town if the weather is threatening or too hot or too cold or need to get back,............

But we really do enjoy our date nights. And I'm always very proud that I'm one of the few wives in the store that have their husbands pushing the buggy. Most of the other husbands are off doing their own thing or just walking along while the wife does it all.

When I got home from work this afternoon the cleaning lady was here. I finally gave up on expecting I would eventually get the house clean (I would really rather be doing what I did on my holiday) and hired someone to come every other week. She is to do regular cleaning and to also clean, dust, wash everything in the house, top and bottom, large and small before Thanksgiving. It smells clean; it's beginning to look clean. You ladies that are already way ahead of me know what I'm talking about.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Pocket Full of Imagination

We have always said that Tyler has a pocket full of imagination. A few weeks ago when I was visiting, Tyler and I spent alot of time imagining.

He said he was going on a secret mission and asked me if I wanted to go. He asked his mom if he could have his computer (I think he had had it taken it away). The computer was a silver- colored child's lunch box. When he opened it, the lid was the keyboard. He also needed his "noculars" which were 2 toilet paper rolls with a string for around the neck (he and his mom made). He wanted his cell phone but couldn't find it.

I asked him where we were going. He began to think and I suggested that we go search for dinosaurs. Cousin Emily had told me that Tyler likes dinosaurs. Tyler liked my suggestion and said we needed to look upstairs. It didn't take us long to find one and then decided that we would take it downstairs and make a pen in the dining room. The gate was a large blow up guitar.

In true big brother fashion he wanted to know if Carter could go with us. Of course! As I scooped Carter up off the floor, Cornelia asked Tyler if he would protect him. Tyler stopped, looked at his mother and said, "Protect him from what?" I thought, "Please don't say dinosaurs." (Tyler's not the bravest little boy.) But you know we were going to have to protect him from getting lost and from getting knocked over by the dinosaurs' tail when they turn around.

There were so many dinosaurs at Tyler's house. It was very possible that we never would have found them all. And the pen was getting full - there was one over by the curtains, one in each of the chairs and one under the table.

Tyler stood in front of the pen and I took a picture of him and all of the dinosaurs. He asked to see the picture. What do you think he saw? Take a all the dinosaurs!

Columbus Day

Today was one of my 10 banking holiday -Columbus Day.

I had so much fun!

Joe and I went over to the new farm and burned brush piles getting ready for the shop to be built.

The only problems we had were
-the chain saw wouldn't continue to run after sawing only a few trees
-the bottom of the bushhog bent so that the blades hit it which made it unusable
-the front tire came off my tractor (I wasn't driving it).

The 4 piles burned well but of course they will burn for days.

Come on over any time you want to have fun.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The First of Many ...


Please be patient with my first attempt at hosting a Blog. I love to view them but am hesitant to participate beyond that.
Jennifer started hers and told me I needed to start one. After 2 weeks and no attempts by me, she told me over the phone that it was set up and by email invited me to join. Now I am inviting you to join.
Life teaches us how important family and friends are. This will help us all stay more connected, thus the name "Our Family Connect".
The way this blog will be set up is so that anyone/everyone with a blog of their own can connect it to this one. You can also post comments on this one. You can be an author on this one - I will send you an invitation if you want.

This is not my blog; I hope it will be our blog. It can reach out as far as anyone wishes.

These are some of the most recent photos of "our family".

Stephen's and Heather's wedding in March

at Jonathan's and Emily's wedding in May

Do you have any to share?

More later..................