Monday, October 13, 2008

A Pocket Full of Imagination

We have always said that Tyler has a pocket full of imagination. A few weeks ago when I was visiting, Tyler and I spent alot of time imagining.

He said he was going on a secret mission and asked me if I wanted to go. He asked his mom if he could have his computer (I think he had had it taken it away). The computer was a silver- colored child's lunch box. When he opened it, the lid was the keyboard. He also needed his "noculars" which were 2 toilet paper rolls with a string for around the neck (he and his mom made). He wanted his cell phone but couldn't find it.

I asked him where we were going. He began to think and I suggested that we go search for dinosaurs. Cousin Emily had told me that Tyler likes dinosaurs. Tyler liked my suggestion and said we needed to look upstairs. It didn't take us long to find one and then decided that we would take it downstairs and make a pen in the dining room. The gate was a large blow up guitar.

In true big brother fashion he wanted to know if Carter could go with us. Of course! As I scooped Carter up off the floor, Cornelia asked Tyler if he would protect him. Tyler stopped, looked at his mother and said, "Protect him from what?" I thought, "Please don't say dinosaurs." (Tyler's not the bravest little boy.) But you know we were going to have to protect him from getting lost and from getting knocked over by the dinosaurs' tail when they turn around.

There were so many dinosaurs at Tyler's house. It was very possible that we never would have found them all. And the pen was getting full - there was one over by the curtains, one in each of the chairs and one under the table.

Tyler stood in front of the pen and I took a picture of him and all of the dinosaurs. He asked to see the picture. What do you think he saw? Take a all the dinosaurs!

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