Tuesday, December 16, 2008


The Rockettes were in Shreveport last night presenting their Christmas show. It was fantastic!
This link will show you pictures http://christmas.radiocity.com/. If it comes to a city near you, get your tickets.

The last part of their performance was the story of Baby Jesus. What a surprise! Nowadays it seems that it is not appropriate to include Jesus in Christmas. The audience was very vocal in their appreciation.

I went with my 4 girlfriends (they're pictured in my first post). You can imagine the laughing going on in that car on the trip down there and back. I think we need to get out more often.

As I was enjoying the performance, I kept thinking that Emily and Tyler would like to see the dancing teddy bears, Santas and toy soldiers. What fun! While I was gone, Tyler called. He asked his Granddaddy where Grandmother was. Granddaddy told him I went to see the Rockettes. He asked, "What's a Rockette?" Granddaddy was a little vague on what he told him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems different countries, different cultures, we really can decide things in the same understanding of the difference!
PE Net